MiseryBusiness (comments)

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Long time no talk!

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 8, 08 5:24 pm · History

happy late new year 2008

Posted by ilikechocolatemilk on Jan 6, 08 10:51 am · History

tell me about it! i luv skiing.. and sleeping too. lol and i really dont like studying and working.. but we gotta do it right?
lifes so stinking hard. whats your favorite activity ever?????

Posted by jonabap on Jan 5, 08 4:49 am · History

uh, my best friends name is melissa also!

Posted by jonabap on Jan 4, 08 3:43 pm · History

lol i know what you mean.. i havent tried a lota stuff yet! i wanna do skydivingg!
so yeahh! its winter here right now, and theres this huge wind storm going on... i kinda like to sleep when its raining.. isnt that soooo good?
but i like beaches better than snow.. does it snow there too?

Posted by jonabap on Jan 4, 08 3:42 pm · History

i know! i will totally go to sydney! is there some beaches where i could surf?
and is it too cold there? sorry about all the questions :/ lol

Posted by jonabap on Jan 4, 08 12:12 am · History

oops, i'm sorry, i meant i have some friends that live there.. they have all these cool pics from australia.. its so awesome. i wanna go there next year.. what city are you from?

Posted by jonabap on Jan 3, 08 3:50 pm · History

Sounds fun! :) Well I had been invited to two of my friends' houses, but my mom decided that she didn't want me driving with all the drunks. >_< lol So instead of mom or dad offering to drive me, I just had to stay home. Lame. Oh well. We didn't really do a whole lot, and I fell asleep at 11:30 while I was watching some TV show with my sister, but then they woke me up for the countdown. And then I went to sleep right away. lol And that was my new years. Wahoo! :P Oh and I went snowboarding again all day yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before that. It's been great! My sore muscles are starting to catch up with me now though. Hehehe.

Oh man, I know! I totally needed a new year too. It's... mm... refreshing. "A clean slate". Ooh, how cliche am I?? Haha.

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 2, 08 9:26 am · History

yeah! i just luv australia! i have so livin in Perth. have you heard of this city?

Posted by jonabap on Jan 2, 08 4:55 am · History

Haha. Fo shooooooo. :D
So what did you do for your first day of oh-eight??

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 1, 08 6:10 pm · History

your welcome, so are you from australia?//////////////////// ///////// bahahaa i dont have anything to say!

Posted by jonabap on Jan 1, 08 3:26 pm · History

dude your profile pic is so cooL! i had to say this, so ...
happy new year i guess.

Posted by jonabap on Dec 31, 07 9:22 pm · History

Happy New Year!!

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Dec 31, 07 8:33 pm · History

I guess I'm TECHNICALLY somewhere between 11th and 12th grade; I'm taking some of my senior classes this year in addition to some classes at BSU... so I guess I'm a jeniorman. Haha. Or something like that. Haha yeah, that's possible (that the systems are different).

Oh well good, I'm glad you had a good CHRISTmas. :D We had a really fun time with all of our family here. My aunt and my grandma just left this morning. :( WOWZA, though, 20 people! MYGOSH. That sounds fun thouuuuugh. :D

Hm, so I'm off to go and look at movie times for tonight; I think we're going to see National Treasure. Ha, maybe I'm a dork, but I LOOOOVE National Treasure! :P Hehe. SOOoooooOOoOooooo I will talk to you laterrrr. ;) Have a fun Saturday!

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Dec 28, 07 1:01 pm · History

Haha, well cool. Are you a junior or a senior? I'm a junior. Wahooo... so 2008 starts my last year of school, at least! lol

Mm, well that sounds like it would be kind of fun though- nice and quiet. Hehe. Ours has been really chaotic so far. My little brothers came into my room starting at 2am!! We have like, 11 people over here at my house, so it's been loudddd. But so far we've had a really nice day. In a bit, we're heading over to my grandparents' house for Christmas dinner and to get our presents from them. I'm really excited though, because my big present that I got was a trip back to Texas to go and visit all of my friends there! AH! SO EXCITING!! :D Oh and church went really well last night- the song that my mom, dad, sister, & I did. Yayyyy. Haha. :)

Oh yay for that sand pile! I'll uhh... send that snow really soon too! :D How exciitttiinnngggggg! Aahhh, I miss the beach. Dude, seriously. I'll come visit you and recup my tan a bit too! :P

KAY. I'll talk to ya later!

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Dec 25, 07 4:26 pm · History

...an hour and a half to go till Christmas here!
Hope you're having a great one so far!

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Dec 25, 07 12:32 am · History

Merry Christmas, dearie!
Hey, I have an idea, you send me a sand-er-...-pile, and I'll send you a snowball. :-P
Haha, anyway, hope you have a great day!!

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Dec 24, 07 2:32 pm · History

Haha, yay!! Woot for friends, eh?? lol
Aw, dude. Okay, well someday, you're going to have to come visit me and we'll go snowboarding... it's the best!! :D I bet you could do it- it's really not too hard. :)
Yeah, I like Idaho a lot. I know most people think "hicksville" when they hear "Idaho", but I realllly like it here. So yeah, you'll come visit here, and I'll come to Sydney. Seriously, you have no idea. I've ALWAYS wanted to live in Australia!! *laughs* And like, me and one of my friends like to talk to eachother in our "Aussie accents" *coughs*... they're probably really not very good. *sighs* oh well. :D
Aw yeah, I bet that's fun to go down to the beach on Christmas. We did that a few times when we lived in Florida. It was niiice.
Oh man! I know, I feel the same way- I STILL haven't gotten in a Christmasy mood! *facepalm* What's wrong with me?? lol Haha. Yeah, I got out last Wednesday, and I'm out till the 7th. What about you?

You take care too!

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Dec 24, 07 12:12 am · History


Posted by IVIike on Dec 23, 07 10:31 pm · History

hey nice blog its cool!!!!!!!!!!! o_o

Posted by ilikechocolatemilk on Dec 23, 07 9:35 pm · History

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