
Comment history with thememoriesmyriad


Displaying 61 - 80 of 102 comments

Lol, yeah it IS pretty hard. But I like it for the most part. (: Ahehehe. Lol! It's not really about being smart... it's about having a challenging class. :P I bet you could do it.


Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 21, 08 3:13 pm

AP Composition? Wow, that sounds hard dude. AP classes are like, the really hard classes aren't they? I've only heard about them in movies and stuff >_>

Haha I wish I was smart :(

Posted by MiseryBusiness on Jan 20, 08 10:50 pm

Yeaaah, it's yummy. (: Hm, well, it might not have been exactly 2am, but it was later than it was supposed to be. I had been keeping in touch with my parents, letting them know where I was && everything though, so I guess that's why I didn't get in trouble. That, && most of the friends who I'd gone with were from church, so I guess they weren't too worried because of that. :P

Ohhhh, sadness. Ahaha. But I feel your pain! I have another paper due for AP Composition tomorrow, && it's still not quite done. *facepalm* Oh well. Guess I know what I'll be doing tonight. Ahaha. But yeah, EWWWWW, for sure. && I have two new classes starting up on Monday, so, waahh. It's... really ew-y. Hehe.

Ahaha, yes! I really like Missy Higgins. (:

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 20, 08 3:12 pm

We don't have Red Robin here, but it sounds cool! Wow 2am? My parents would never let me out that late, not until I'm like 18 I bet.

Umm well I only have one week of holidays left and I need to start assignments and school work before school starts, so I guess I'll just have to do that to occupy myself from now on. Ewww.

Oh cooool you have an Aussie musician for your profile song. Sweeeet.

Posted by MiseryBusiness on Jan 19, 08 4:51 am

Lol, yeah that's kind of how it is here. People here always want to go to Portland, Oregon, or Seattle, Washington. But they're just far enough away that driving there really sucks, so you might as well just take that plane. :P Ah, yeah, me too. Long trips can be really fun if it's like, a group of your friends, but if it's just family, it can get a bit tedious. Errmfffff. lol Aww, I'm jealous! I want to see all of those movies! I've seen National Treasure... twice. lol The second time we didn't mean to go see it. We were supposed to see I Am Legend, but one of our friends who came wasn't going to be allowed to watch that (gayyyy), so we saw NT... again. Uggggh. Oh well. && then we went to Red Robin (a super yummy burger restaurant... in case you don't have that there) for fries && shakes. Wooo. AHaha. It was like, 2am by the time we got home. Hehehe. So that made it fun, I guess. :D Hm, well school's okay. It was nice, because I only had 3 classes star up last week, & my other few don't start till next Monday, so that's kinda nice. Just getting to ease in a bit. (: How're your *rolls eyes*... *grunts* HOLDIDAYS going?? lol Not fair. I wish I was still on break. :P Have you found anything interesting to do? (:


Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 17, 08 10:13 pm

Ummm I think it takes more than a day to drive to Melbourne from Sydney.. or possibly 10 hours or something. I'd rather fly there, I hate going to reeeeaally long car trips. So boring.
I saw a couple of movies these holidays - Enchanted and 27 Dresses, and I might be seeing Juno today! I heard so much great stuff about it, so yeah. How's school been for you? :)

Posted by MiseryBusiness on Jan 17, 08 5:21 pm

Yeah, that's pretty decent. It'd be really nice to have more breaks to look forward to like that. Instead of just the random half days, snowdays and long weekends that we get. :P Yeah, we get Thanksgiving. (: Mmmm... food sounds INSANELY good right now. Maybe I should go make some lunch, eh? OH DUDE. I don't think I can think of anything cooler than going to a Hilary Duff concert in Australia. *tries to think of something cooler than going to a Hilary Duff concert in Australia* Nope, I couldn't think of anything cooler than going to a Hilary Duff concery in Australia, even though I tried to think of something cooler than going to see a Hilary Duff concert in Australia. :P Lol. OH I just love being repetitive. It's so annoying. lol Ah, sweet! How far is Melbourne from Sydney? Ahaha--- I know practically nothing about Australia's geography && whatnot. I'm soooo incredibly ignorant. lol Ahhh, you can make it! I just keep telling myself that if I can make it through this semester then I'll be okay. I only have 2 or 3 classes next year, so I'm pretty stoked about that. YAY FOR EASINESS!! Woooo!! Ahaha.
So what all have you been doing on break?

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 15, 08 1:47 pm

But we get 2 weeks off every ten weeks, which is decent I guess. When you add that all up maybe that equals to the same amount of holidays haha. And you get Thanksgiving right?! So jealous. Foooood.
Anyway, I'm waiting for these two weeks to pass by quick because I'm going to a Hilary Duff concert on Feb the 2nd, which is pretty exciting for me. And my friend from Melbourne is coming up to go with me. Yeeewww.
But then after that, school will start. And my life will suck :'( Hahah

Posted by MiseryBusiness on Jan 14, 08 11:42 pm

Hehehe, it's weird, yeah? I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden I've been getting like, twelve zillion comments. It's weird. Haha! So how are you, dear? I haven't talked to ya in like... mmmmm... I'd say 32 years or so. Hehe. Ah man. Lucky. Well, kinda, I guess. But you don't get 3 months off in the summer, so that sucks. haha. Yesssss, we do get 3 months in the summer. Or about that much anyway. && I only got 2 weeks off for Christmas. :( How sad!

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 13, 08 6:47 pm

Hehehe, it's weird, yeah? I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden I've been getting like, twelve zillion comments. It's weird. Haha! So how are you, dear? I haven't talked to ya in like... mmmmm... I'd say 32 years or so. Hehe. Ah man. Lucky. Well, kinda, I guess. But you don't get 3 months off in the summer, so that sucks. haha. Yesssss, we do get 3 months in the summer. Or about that much anyway. && I only got 2 weeks off for Christmas. :( How sad!

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 13, 08 6:46 pm

Man you get so many comments! Helloooo miss popular, hahah.
And yeah I don't start school again until the end of January.. we only got like, 6 weeks I think. Don't you guys get 3 months during the summer?! Eeep.

Posted by MiseryBusiness on Jan 13, 08 5:34 pm

Keep hoping you'll be on whenever I am... but no. *sniffles* How sad.
SO, Mel! How areeee you??

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 11, 08 4:11 pm

Ah, man. *sighs* That suckkkkks. lol Hm, maybe SOMEDAY we'll catch eachother online. Ahahaha.
Hehe, yay! Me too! lol Yesterday's topic was... interesting. lol I know!- I can't wait for new shows.. wahooo!
Ah dude, you haven't gone back to school yet?? Pfft. I started again on Monday. *cries* It's really quite terrible. Ahhahaa. ..but it is. Most definitely. Ugh. I just want it to be ooooverrrrrrr!! But yeah, I bet that'll be fun to see your friends again. (:
Oh, haha, yay! No problem, dude! I'm glad you like them. Aren't the freaking amazing?? :D

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 10, 08 11:22 am

Ahahaa I was online for a little while this morning, you must have caught me just as I was about to go!
And I love watching Oprah - it's cool :) They're showing repeats now though..which they have been doing for ages -_-

I haven't been up to much really. My friends are coming back from holidays next week (finally!!!) so hopefully we'll get to hang out or something since I haven't seen them in so long. I don't want holidays to end though, neverrr.

Oh and thanks for telling me about the band Melee! Dude they are so good!

Posted by MiseryBusiness on Jan 10, 08 4:38 am

Ahpfft. Now you're not.
Oh well.

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 9, 08 7:10 pm


Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 9, 08 7:09 pm

I know, it makes me sad, dude!
Oh nothing much, nothing much. I'm about to leave for youth group at my church in a wee bit, here. Messin' around on my guitar right now... & watchin' Oprah. Heh heh. :D
What have you been up toooooooooo?

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 9, 08 6:30 pm

It's been a while huh!
How've you been?! :D

Posted by MiseryBusiness on Jan 9, 08 3:15 am

Long time no talk!

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 8, 08 5:24 pm

Sounds fun! :) Well I had been invited to two of my friends' houses, but my mom decided that she didn't want me driving with all the drunks. >_< lol So instead of mom or dad offering to drive me, I just had to stay home. Lame. Oh well. We didn't really do a whole lot, and I fell asleep at 11:30 while I was watching some TV show with my sister, but then they woke me up for the countdown. And then I went to sleep right away. lol And that was my new years. Wahoo! :P Oh and I went snowboarding again all day yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before that. It's been great! My sore muscles are starting to catch up with me now though. Hehehe.

Oh man, I know! I totally needed a new year too. It's... mm... refreshing. "A clean slate". Ooh, how cliche am I?? Haha.

Posted by thememoriesmyriad on Jan 2, 08 9:26 am
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